Rishikesh, Uttarakhand 8475922224, +91-135-2430324 info@savitaorganics.com

Turpentine Oil

Turpentine Oil

Turpentine, like rosin, is a very versatile raw material. It is a very important solvent and thinner for paint and varnish. It is used in many pharmaceutical applications such ointments, balms etc. It is also used in fractional distillation process to to derive various terpene derivative products such as Dipentene, Delta 3 Carene, Pine Oil, Terpineol, Longifolene, etc.


We are engaged in presenting to the industry a top class range of Turpentine Oil. We offer these at market leading rates.

Product Details:
Grade Chemical Grade
Form Liquid
Packaging Type Barrel, Drum
Color Water White to Slightly Yellowish
Packaging Size (litres) 200 L